
Showing posts from October, 2023

General medicine E- log

HI,Iam Aziza  of 6thsem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.This also reflects patient centred online learning portfolio A 70year old male patient with chief complaints of SHORTNESS OF BREATH and fever since 3 days HOPI: patient was apparently asymptomatic two months back then he developed shortness of breath during eating,walking for a distance of 0.5km relieved on medication Fever since 3 days which is intermittent relieved on medication PAST HISTORY: Developed jaundice 2 months back Duodenal ulcer D1 1 month back Stunt placed in the heart two months back due to myocardial infarction PERSONAL HISTORY Diet mixed Appetite normal Sleep adequate Bowel nd bladder normal No burning micturition Addictions-alcohol GENERAL EXAMINATION: Patient was conscious coherent and well oriented with time place and person.. icterus is Present  No cyanosis,clubbing,koilonychosis,lymphadenopathy,edema VITALS: BP-100/55 PULSE-70beats/min T

General medicine E-log

 A 55 YR OLD MALE CAME WITH COMPLAINTS OF FEVER, COUGH, LEFT  SIDED CHEST PAIN Hi, I am Aziza Ferdose 3rd sem medical student. this is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. A 55 year old male patient cae to casuality with cheif complaints of: Cough since 10 days associated with left sided chest pain HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back then he developed fever which was intermittent, low grade,  not associated with chills and rigor Fever was accompanied by cough which was productive with white colour, non foul smelling sputum Left sided chest pain which is severe, non radiating , aggrevated on coughing Shortness of breath since 10 days NEGATIVE HISTORY: No history of burning micturition and loose stools PAST HISTORY: History of Hypertension since 15 days No history of surgeries and trauma FAMILY HISTORY: No significant fami